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22-Jun-2005 minutes

Minutes of GNCC board meeting, June 22, 2005

Present- Barbara Henoch (chair), Graham Shuttleworth, Dave Beer, Garth Rustand, John Van Beek, Jim Kirby

(Agenda attached at end of this page.)

Meeting commenced 7:00 pm

1. Minutes of the last meeting were approved

2. Clean Air Day Quiz and Draw. The board took a few minutes to complete a review questionnaire for BC Transit who contributed funding for this event. The event involved a draw for a new Norco bicycle and other prizes. The draw took place at Pacific Rim Bicycles. Entrants had a choice of entering the contest on the GNCC website or by filling out an entry form which were available at the local bike shops. Entrants were required to answer a number of questions around Clean Air Day involving environmentally responsible transportation choices. - there were a total of 75 entrants - there were some difficulties entering the contest on the website (eg not enough spaces to take full phone numbers, limited space available for answers) - news releases were published for the event - BC Transit was very helpful in the process - follow-up acknowledgements and thank-yous will be done for Thrifty Foods and Quality Foods for their support. This will be done thru Bulletin "bouquets" and letter to the editor - it was agreed that overall the draw was a success, albeit the process was a little more involved than first anticipated.

2. Multi-use trail update. The commitee (Dave Beer, John Van Beek, Dean Gaudry) has met three times so far to discuss and plan strategies to try to move the multi-use concept forward.. The group will set short and long term goals, for example, there should be the capability to carry bicycles on the train. There should be a coalition of interested parties up and down the line (eg equestrians, walkers, runners, etc) who would visualize the benefits of a multi-use railway right-of-way. A power point presentation will be built which would be available to promote the multi-use concept. Newly elected local Liberals Leonard Krog and Ron Cantelon will be contacted to let them know of the existence of our group and its goals. John Van Beek advised he attended a workshop recently organized by John Luton. Apparently there are plans to construct a trail from downtown Victoria to the suburbs using the E&N right-of-way. More positive news regarding better use of the R of W.

3. Financial report. Graham advises there is $479 in the bank and all bills are currently paid. Another $450 is expected from BC Transit.

4. One tonne challenge update. Thanks largely to Lyse Godbout's efforts, posters have been distributed to the Biological station, city offices, Country Club and Woodgrove malls, plus a number of health food and outdoor stores. The posters will also be displayed on local buses. This concludes this project which was initially started last year. Thanks to Lyse for spearheading this initiative!!

5. Miners picnic plans. June 25 will see the GNCC having a presence at the annual Miners Picnic to tune bicycles and hand out bicycle safety and promotional material. Dave Beer, Lyse Godbout, Jim Kirby and Barbara Henoch have volunteered to help out. It was agreed that a bicycle tune up valued at $50 (at Pacific Rim Bicycles) will be raffled off at the picnic.

6. Membership- general discussion. Garth volunteered to head up a committee to have the GNCC get more exposure as an organization. An idea floated was to have bike stores give free one-year GNCC memberships with each bike sold (members get 10% off bike parts at local bike shops). Discussion followed as to how to get more members.....shorter social rides to attract more beginner cyclists?? North end rides? South end rides? Garth asks that anyone with ideas on this topic contact him.

7. GNCC information and membership sign-up brochure. Dave, Gay Cunningham and Debby Keith have agreed to update the brochure. A draft has been circulated for thoughts. A decision is forthcoming soon on a final draft.

8. Membership email addresses available to other members?? This was a follow-up to a decision made at an earlier general meeting to have those members, who agree, to have their email addresses made available to other members. This could promote closer communication amongst members. Keith will be asked to send out a request to members in this regard.

Due to a lack of time, remaining items on the agenda will be put forward to the next board meeting which will be held on August 17th, location to be determined. Meeting adjourned at 9:30. Many thanks to Garth for hosting this meeting at his house!!


GNCC Board Meeting Agenda for June 22, 2005

1. Update on multi-use trail project,

2. Clean Air Day Quiz/Draw, Barbara, Dave, Keith

3. Financial Report, Graham Shuttleworth

4. One Tonne Challenge, Dave Beer, Lyse

5. Miner’s picnic, Kim Kirby

6. Website/Spokelore, all

7. Membership, all

8. Group Rides, Dave

9. Cycling map of Nanaimo, all

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Last updated: September 26, 2005.