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20-Apr-2005 minutes

Minutes of Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition Board meeting, April 20, 2005.

Present were Dave Beer (chair for this meeting), Graham Shuttleworth, Barbara Henoch, Keith Brown, Garth Rustand, John Van Beek, Dean Gaudry, Jim Kirby.

The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm

Agenda item #1 Role of the GNCC in promoting a multi-use trail on the right-of-way being amassed by the Island Corridor Foundation. Dean Gaudry expressed special interest in this topic. He expects a lot of interest from municipalities and other stakeholders up and down the rail line. Expect a June announcement from the ICF regarding further developments as ICF hope to buy out CP and RailAmerica and will control the R/W use. Dean posed the question as to ways of getting support from other groups such as the Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition, Pacific Rim Tours, Regional Districts, and muncipalities. Dean will work with a group to prepare a presentation for these stakeholders promoting the further use of the right-of-way for multi use, including cycling. The GNCC recognizes a committee of Dave Beer, John Van Beek, and Dean Gaudry to lead this initiative. Lyse Godbout (not present at this meeting) had also expressed interest in helping out. This group will make a presentation at the May GNCC meeting for the membership.

Agenda item #2 Clean Air Day activity. BC Transit have commited funds for a Clean Air Day (June 8, 2005) event that would see a joint GNCC/ BC Transit event that would promote CAD ideals, while getting exposure for the GNCC and several bike shops. It is proposed that a CAD quiz be offered to the public via the GNCC website and the bike shops (by a paper copy of the quiz). Participants will be required to answer the quiz, submit entries online to the GNCC, or by mail (postmarked no later than midnight June 1). All entries with a perfect score will be put together and a draw made for a bicycle. The draw might be made at a CAD event possibly hosted by the City of Nanaimo, or at a GNCC hosted event on Saturday June 4. Barbara had drafted a newspaper ad promoting this, Garth will fine-tune the ad for publication in the local newspapers. The Realm, Bastion Cycles, and Pacific Rim Bicycles have all expressed interest in being involved. Barbara Henoch and Jim Kirby will oversee this initiative.

Agenda item #3 GNCC communication. Keith Brown would like some guidelines as to whom to pass on queries to that he receives on-line as webmaster. Keith says he will continue to deal with the obvious issues as he has done before, but will pass queries to Garth Rustand that are pertinent to the GNCC board.

Agenda item #4 financial report. Graham reports there is $1624.00 in the bank, and all bills have been paid. It was moved and carried that the GNCC will not renew its membership in Volunteer Nanaimo. Locations of future board meetings will be determined as the need arises. Graham has confirmed with Ginelle at City Parks that only general meetings have been pre-booked at Bowen Park. There was some discussion as to a more appropriate location for general meetings but no conclusions were made.

Agenda item #5 Spokelore. After much discussion it was moved and carried that publication of the Spokelore will be temporarily suspended, effective immediately. Information about the GNCC, current cycling issues and bicycle information will continue to be posted on the GNCC website. There were many suggestions as to ways of filling the Spokelore void, if necessary, such as one-page inserts into BikeSense booklets, leaflets that could be distributed to locations previously receiving the Spokelore, GNCC identification cards, information that could be left on bicycles similar to the info sheets we find under our windshield wipers occassionally, etc, etc. Feedback from the membership will be monitored, and the Spokelore may be published again in future if the membership wishes and volunteers can be found to make it happen.

Due to the lateness of the evening, further agenda items as listed (see below) could not be addressed. Discussion regarding item #9, May 18 general meeting, however. Jim Kirby and travel companions will give a Cycling Cuba presentation, providing a laptop with power point and projector can be found.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Many thanks to Dave Beer for hosting this meeting.

Jim Kirby, Secretary GNCC

Agenda items not covered:

6: Membership: (All) How can we increase the GNCC visabilirty as an organization and increase our membership?

7: Group Rides: ( Dave) How can we increase participation in the social side of the organization?

8: Other Projects for the GNCC: (ALL) Ideas? The One Tonne Challenge has been mentioned as has providing Can Bike programming as we have a trained member. The GNCC also was involved in providing a cycling map for Nanaimo. Where are we on this project? Should we continue?

9: Meeting on May 18th at Bowen: Possible special guests or programs to draw members?

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Last updated: June 16, 2005.