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16-Feb-2005 minutes

Minutes of the GNCC meeting held Feb. 16, 2005, Bowen Park activity room #1

Attending: Garth Rustand, Dave Beer, Graham Shuttleworth, John van Beek, Russ Thomson, Dave Parfitt, Tony MacGregor, Barb Henoch, Greg Stevenson, Allan Kreller, Jim Kirby
Call to order at 7:00 pm

Agenda item #1. Discussion regarding final payment for Tony for Bike Week/Commuter Challenge '04. It was voted on agreed that final payment would be $700.00, and this concludes Tony's payment and his obligations under his contract. Cheque given to Tony. Tony raised about $7000 from sponsors for bike week 04.

Agenda item #2. Lyse Godbout is looking for support for the One Tonne Challenge, however it was unclear to those present what specifically this support involved. Dave Beer will contact Lyse to clarify, then email the board for a decision and action.

Agenda item #3. Barb Henoch has agreed to take on Bike Week/ Commuter Challenge for '05. After much discussion it was agreed that a small bike week commitee would provide guidance for Barb in determining the type and extent of Bike week activities, and to assist with fund raising. Garth, Graham and Jim volunteered for these roles. The contract will be for $4000.00 guaranteed, plus 10% of the total funds raised for Bike Week/ Commuter Challenge. Payments will be $1000 on March 16, $1000 on April 16, $1000 on May 16, and $1000 on June 16. The 10% adjustment will be paid following the final receipt of solicited funds. It was agreed that fund raising will be a priority, and that Barb and the above named 3 person committe will commence fund raising efforts right away. Graham will prepare the contract for signatures.

Agenda item #4. Financial statement. There is a balance of $1036.00 in the bank as of Feb. 16/05. Signing authorities will be Graham, Garth, and Jim. Garth and Jim to sign authorization at CC Credit Union, Labieux branch.

Discussion item #5. Membership. Dave announced there are 97 names on the data base, but how many are paid up? Dave will contact those members with email to ask if they would object to their email addresses being made available to the general membership (as agreed at the last general meeting). Dave will also draft some policy statements about privacy of information for the Board to consider at a subsequent meeting. Dave will also revise the current membership forms to include statements about privacy of information.

Agenda item #6. Spokelore. Discussion, should the newsletter be abandoned, lessen the number of issues, have electronic version only (no printed). There were no volunteers identified to continue this task, and Gay Cunningham would like to pass the task to someone else. It was voted to continue the status quo for now but to bring it up at the next meeting for discussion again.

The next meeting will be a General meeting March 16/05, 7:00 pm, Bowen park activity room #1.

Meeting adjourned 10:00 pm

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Last updated: March 23, 2005.