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18-Nov-2004 minutes

Minutes of GNCC Board meeting held Nov. 18, 2004, 7:00 pm.

Board Members present - Graham Shuttleworth, Dave Beer, Tony MacGregor, Jim Kirby
Regrets- Russ Thomson, Barbara Henoch
Chair for this meeting only- Jim Kirby

Graham presented his financial report, basically the same as was presented at the general meeting of Oct 20, 2004. The coalition has about $2000 in the bank at the moment.

Graham has agreed to continue as treasurer and Jim Kirby will be secretery, although these decisions were made in the absence of two of the board members. No decision was made as to the position of chairperson for the GNCC. A possible course of action is to appeal once again to the membership, as quite a number of members were unable to attend the last general meeting at which elections of board members were held. The GNCC should be lead not only by an avid cyclist, but one keenly interested in cycle advocacy, safety, training, promoting cycle commuting, and development of cycle related facilities in the community.

Chad Henderson's proposal to allow the GNCC to have limited storage and a telephone (the phone to be at our cost) at the Green Communities office was discussed. It was felt that the board does not require these at this time, and will decline the offer. Tony will thank Chad on behalf of the GNCC.

Gay Cunningham has suggested a December pot-luck supper and possible Cuba presentation by Tom Robertson. Jim and Debby will pursue this with Gay as a possible Chaingang event. Details will be forwarded to all members soon.

A group of cyclists from Parksville are interested in forming a cycling coalition and have asked for our advice. Jim will provide them with the GNCC website and connect them with a BC Cycling Coalition representative. Graham will provide advice as to details of registering as a non-profit organization.

Tony will contact Gay regarding the Spokelore. Tony may be able to help with its publication. Jim will also draft an email to the membership asking for input and assistance in producing the Spokelore.

Tony and Dave will look into the feasibilty of using a meeting room at Port Place (Harbour Park Mall) for future general meetings. This may save the GNCC up to $200 per year in room rental costs.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40

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Last updated: March 23, 2005.